Born 2nd June 1971; 1989-1990 Horsham School of Art – foundation art; 1990 1993 Exeter School of Art – fine art degree. “I want my paintings to take the viewer on a poetic, metaphysical journey of the imagination. I use an intensive, hyper-realist technique to create haunted atmospheres and timeless landscapes, in which bizarre creatures reside. The philosophy of the occult, mysticism, and the sanctity of nature informs my work, through a sense of enigmatic ritual and symbolism. Irrational forms and beings – partly based on antique figurines – are manifested as recurrent ‘characters’, within strange realms. In essence, I attempt to pay homage, through these dreamworlds, to the Symbolist and Surrealist art movements, and such inspirational artists as Arnold Böcklin, Max Ernst and Casper David Friedrich, amongst many others.”